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发布时间:2021-08-13 11:40:10 作者:管理员 浏览:2875次



     山东尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!【官方网址:z6com】生命科学研究院的科研人员将同种异体生物组织工程材料作为3D生物打印原材料,探索研究人体组织和器官打印技术。这种特殊材料中含有从人体组织中提取的细胞外基质,相较于动物源等材料,具有良好的生物相容性、可降解性和组织诱导能力,在各种软组织的填充和再生修复等领域具有良好的应用前景。同时,该材料也可作为植入性组织工程支架应用于局部填充、隆鼻等医美行业,与传统的硅胶类材料相比,具有更好的生物相容性和可降解性,不容易产生排异反应,还有引导内源性细胞增殖起到持续维持等作用。

     3D生物打印渐已成为组织工程研究的热点之一,相信随着对支架材料、干细胞技术以及细胞与微环境相互作用机制研究的不断深入和突破,利用3D打印技术构建个性化并具有功能性的人工器官将不再是遥不可及的目标。“奉献医疗科技,保障人类健康”,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!【官方网址:z6com】生物将继续创新研发探索,并持续贡献“尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!【官方网址:z6com】答案”。




Printing Human Organs: Scientists look to 3D printing to create living tissue


Scientists are looking a 3D printing to address the worldwide shortage of organs for transplant. They are trying to save lives by creating living tissue. Tao Yuan visits a lab in Shandong Province to find out more.


This is no ordinary summer school. But a lesson on the most state-of-the-art bio technology, to inspire young scientist wannabes. Printing human tissue and organs may still sound like science fiction today for these high school kids. But it's got the potential to revolutionize the world of medicine.


ZANG CHUANBAO CTO of Cryomedicine Ctr. Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Institution "What we want to achieve is sort of an organ store. If anyone's organs are damaged, they can come to this store, to find a replacement that's tailor-made for them."

山东尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!【官方网址:z6com】生命科学研究院专家臧传宝表示:“我们希望建立一个组织器官的商店,每个人如果说真要身体或者器官有这些病变、损坏,都可以到这来,找到一个完全适合于他自身的这样一个器官。”

The idea is similar to that of 3D printing. But instead of metal and plastic, the ink head churns out layer after layer of gel, containing living cells.


CHENG LONG Senior Engineer of Cryomedicine Center Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Institution "The cells come from the patients themselves. Because of that, there will be no rejection from the body."

山东尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!【官方网址:z6com】生命科学研究院工程师程龙说:“细胞来自于病人自体,因此,不会产生排异反应。”

A piece of knee cartilage, fresh out of the printer. It's already being tested on animals, and may soon hit the clinic. It's the low hanging fruit of bio engineering. But the possibility of printing a whole heart or bladder is still a far way off.


This is the closest we've got.In 2019, scientists in Israel created a 3D print of a heart with human tissue and vessels. It's only the size of a cherry, and doesn't pump. But scientists say it's pushed the envelope of regenerative medicine.


I asked how soon before a printed organ can be transplanted into the human body.CHENG LONG Snr. Engineer of Cryomedicine Ctr. Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Institution "Leading scientists in this field predicted 20 to 30 years."


ZANG CHUANBAO CTO of Cryomedicine Ctr. Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Institution "This is also a dream for scientists in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in China. We hope the global scientific community can work together to make that happen."


That dream might fall on the shoulders of these teenage scientists.


LI YICHEN Student "I want to study bio engineering. Now I understand deeper about my future career."


WANG XIAO General President Talent Honor Education Organization "Especially after the COVID-19 outbreak, more children are interested in life and medical sciences. This will have a positive effect on the future of mankind."


130-thousand organ transplants take place each year. But the number of patients on the waiting list is ten times more. Lives waiting for a second chance. Bioprinting as a solution might still be decades away. But now, a glimmer of hope.



尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!【官方网址:z6com】